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Welcome Alumni

Welcome Alumni

On Wednesday, 01 Sep 2021

Dear KCLASites, We, the Management, Administration and Faculty of KCLAS, are excited that you are our very first batch of students and would like to thank each and every one of you for your exemplary support and contribution towards individual and institutional development. You have made us proud and we have treasured memories of your time here. ​KCLAS has always believed in fostering inter-personal relationships and providing excellence in education. We would like to continue on this journey of excellence with your backing and sustenance. We hope that our association with you will help you rise to greater heights by providing you with a wide network, while at the same time ensuring a symbiotic relationship that enables us to build the brand of KCLAS. We invite each one of you to be a part of the KCLAS Alumni Association and join us in our goal to building an environment conducive to diverse learning and education. Connect with us and share your reminiscences of your time at KCLAS. We are immensely gratified and stand tall in the belief that you will elevate the name of KCLAS wherever your future may lead you. Kindly fill the attach Forms for Registration and future reference.If you have any queries, requests and suggestion, kindly contact Mr. Parthiban at 8754193565. Once again, we look forward to having you on board with us in our endeavours. Thank you and All the best!

By Coimbatore

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