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Vision and Mission

The KCLAS Office of Alumni Relation’s (OAR) key purpose is to help you stay connected to your alma mater and to the Institution. As an alumnus, you are part of our family of 23,585 alumni from more than 700 cities across the globe. KCLAS OAR reaches out in varied ways across multiple channels to achieve this and is guided by the following KCLAS Vision, Mission and Values, as well as OAR Mission.

KCLAS Vision
Become a progressive research focused institution that instills passion for life-long learning and mould the young people to impact the world.

KCLAS Values
KCLAS’s values remain our threshold standards for the way we do and the way we behave. The Four pillars of core values guide everything we do and make KCLAS an outstanding and supportive place to work and study.

To nurture mutually beneficial and lifelong relationships with alumni and engage them for the wellbeing and growth of our global community